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Dear customers,
You can buy OC Šestka gift vouchers at our Czech Post office on the ground floor of the center.

Vouchers have a value of 200 and 500 CZK and are valid for 6 months from the date of issue. Please make sure that the vouchers have the necessary details when taking them over, i.e. the date of issue, the stamp of the operator and a signature. You will receive vouchers in special design envelopes, luxurious enough for, for example, colleagues at work, clients and business partners.

Vouchers can be used to purchase goods and services in selected OC Šestka stores. Multiple vouchers can be redeemed in one purchase, but cannot be exchanged for cash.

Stores that accept vouchers are marked with a sticker "Here we welcome OC Šestka gift vouchers". You can find the list of stores below.

In case of any questions about gift vouchers, do not hesitate to contact us, either by e-mail  or by phone at 225 023 100.

List of stores that accept gift vouchers :