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hlavní vchod bankomat travelátor výtah přebalovací koutek dětský koutek restaurace WC bezbariérový vstup in f o rmac e parkoviště
Fruitisimo is the most fruity bar in your area. Here you can enjoy fresh juices and fruit cocktails, handmade scoops of ice cream, always freshly ground coffee and healthy cups full of fruit delicacies.

The Fruitisimo brand is best described by its slogan LIVE WHAT YOU LOVE, i.e. a healthy active lifestyle, fun, smile and passion for what we do. Fruitisimo also believes to have following strengths: "What is our secret recipe? It is not about faster mixers or more powerful juice extractors. It's all about people. We love what we do, and you will know that with every visit. "

Fruitisimo accepts the following meal vouchers: SODEXO, EDENRED 2018, Checkbook.

And also accepts OC ŠESTKA Gift Vouchers.

Další obchody v kategorii Restaurant, refreshments